Stir Crazy

If you just woke up after a year in a comma, what would you think? 

What would you think when you ventured out to find everyone wearing a mask? What would you think when you learned that we were in the midst of a modern-day plague that has taken over 485,000 lives in our nation alone? What would you think when you learned that our economy has shrunk by over 4%? What would you think when you found out that 800 businesses were closing on daily basis between last spring and the fall, schools have been using virtual learning for months, people work from home every day, multitudes have lost their jobs, hospitals have been overwhelmed, and most families have been touched by this pervasive disease, if not death?

We have been living in this surreal world for one full year now. That’s a long time to live with the multitude of restrictions and life changes that have affected us all.

We miss live music, going to the movies, going to restaurants, going anywhere, socializing, hugging, face-to-face interactions, and so much more.

I already hated winter. I get moody and munchy. I like my space and am opposed to anything that holds me back. Like most families, Patty and I are couped up together. She has worked from home every day for a year. 

By the way, how do people with children manage? How do you work from home or deal with being unemployed, having your kids home all day and helping them with their on-line schoolwork?

Suicides, domestic violence, and other violent crimes are up. Mix in widespread social unrest, riots, and the insanity that is American politics, and you come to the conclusion that there is a lot on our plate right now.

Okay, it’s a challenging time. We might coast along for a while and be able to ignore things, but eventually reality hits us. We have to go to the grocery store. We have to decide if we keep certain medical appointments or postpone them. A vulnerable person we love gets it. It takes their life. Then there is no more denial. 

It’s challenging, but let’s not forget the good things that have happened, too. We appreciate each other more. We talk to our neighbors more. More people are involved in outdoor recreational pursuits, like walking, hiking, and kayaking; at least when it was warmer. Technology has actually done some good things in connecting people. I think we realize we need each other more.

But, I am wondering, how do you stay sane? 

I am not sure that always am (sane that is), but these things seem to help when I do them.

Have something to take you away from your normal life, like a good book or movie.

Do something creative. Make something. Write something. Build something. Play something. 

Do something that needs to be done. Check it off the list.

Take a break from the news.

Get some exercise. It helps to balance things out. Healthy body: healthy brain.

Learn to chill and give yourself and an occasional break.

Reach out to people how ever you can. We need each other.

Thankfully some of these inconveniences are coming to an end. It will take a while and be a process, but eventually, life will become a bit more normal.

Hopefully, we have learned to value many things that we took for granted too long.

About Glenn

Glenn Hager is a blogger, former newspaper columnist, and author of two books, An Irreligious Faith and Free Range Faith.
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