Pam Hogeweide and An Irreligious Faith

pam hogeweide

An Irreligious Life is a portrait of a pastor and his journey from church leader to churchless wanderer.  Breaking out of the cage of religion,  Glenn stumbled  into new discoveries of how to follow Jesus and serve communities apart from churchified codes and rigid traditions. This is his manifesto of how he starved religion and in doing so, found the life of  faith he  longed for all of his life. Church exiles, especially exiled pastors and ministry leaders, will relate to Glenn’s story and in doing so find camaraderie in the growing tribe of the irreligious Jesus followers.

–  Pam Hogeweide, blogger and author of Unladylike: Resisting the Injustice of Inequality in the Church


About Glenn

Glenn Hager is a blogger, former newspaper columnist, and author of two books, An Irreligious Faith and Free Range Faith.
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