My Prayer

talking bubbles
Typically, it goes something like this, only with a few more details.

Well, good morning! I feel kind of scrambled today. My head is full of thoughts of things that need to be done and thoughts that worry me. I wonder just where those dark thoughts come from and how I could possibly be so duplicitous. Thank you of that hint of inspiration that makes me think you want me to be my truest, most honest, and unique self. Anyway, with all this going on in my head, I need a major mental defrag and reboot.

As I look back over the last few days, it really hasn’t been so bad. Some good things were accomplished, and though I slipped up here and there, I refuse to let those things define me. Help me to move on, knowing I am forgiven an could never achieve my relationship you based on behavior, anyway. I definitely need your help with what I think the next few days hold.

Help me to get your perspective on those things that have troubled me lately. Help me to unconditionally love the people in my world, rather than try to change them. I hope each of them will catch a glimpse of how you love them and be inspired to love those around them in the same way.

Help me to keep pursuing my life’s purpose, move toward excelling in loving people as they are, and remember to nurture my own soul.

For so many years, I used the A (adoration) C (confession) T (thanksgiving) S (supplication or asking on behalf of others) formula to guide my prayers. For the last few years, I have tried to stay away from formulas and opt for a more real expression of my thoughts, feelings, needs, and aspirations. I have come to believe that prayer is more for us than it is for you. While I think you must enjoy hearing from us, I realize you know our heart before we open our mouth or try to frame our thoughts with words.

So, I worship you, not because you are a narcissistic deity, but because I am narcissistic person who needs a reminder there is something, rather someone, beyond me who is watching the store. That’s both humbling and comforting.

I confess my sins to you, not as some sort of a magic formula to get you to forgive me for the stupid and hurtful things I have done, but rather to remind me of your forgiveness and just who you are. I really ought to be giddy with grace, rather than plagued by guilt. You have given me the best motivation ever to avoid the stupid stuff, because you will keep on loving me the same no matter what! Help me to live out this truth in my life.

May I continue to pursue my truest core identity and purpose for being alive right here, right now. Help me to excel in loving people as they are and help to nurture my own soul with the enjoyment of all you have given me.

You can pray anywhere, about anything, at any time. It’s a running conversation, rather than a speech. It needs to be real and honest, balanced like the Lord’s Prayer with dependence upon God and personal responsibility.

I start my day this way because I need to process all the scraps of thoughts floating around in my head. I need to be reminded of what God thinks about me. As the day goes on, often there is something that angers, frustrates, or confounds me. I am amazed at how quickly I slip into problem solving mode, or frustration, or anger. It is always better to stop and get his take on things and maintain that balance of dependence and responsibility.



About Glenn

Glenn Hager is a blogger, former newspaper columnist, and author of two books, An Irreligious Faith and Free Range Faith.
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